Click to download the 2021-22 Hillside Calendar. You can also access the school calendar via the ESF App.
March Daily: ESF Connections
24 March: Parent Webinar "Promoting children’s self-regulation during the pandemic – where do we start?"
30 March: Parent Webinar “Strengthening family wellbeing during the fifth wave of COVID”
4 -18 April: Spring Break
19 April: Face-to-Face Classes Resume!
10-11 May: School Photos
24 June - 22 August: Summer Break
Dear Parents
We are all very excited about the recent news on face-to-face class resumption. This announcement has lifted our moods as we complete the final stretch of distance learning, and I hope this will be the last.
We are currently prepping the school to welcome your children back after the Spring break. I'm sure we would all agree that there is nothing better than having the children resume classes back in school. Our priority is to continue to maximise the face-to-face learning experience for every child in a safe and positive learning environment.
All health & safety protocols from before Christmas will continue to be in place. As per the government regulations, Hillside is a "Vaccine Bubble" where all staff are vaccinated, including the staff escorts and drivers from our bus company. It is not a requirement for children to be vaccinated, but we believe that having details of the levels of student vaccination in our school communities will be of assistance when face-to-face learning resumes. Please refer to the section below on Student Vaccination Data.
Thank you again for your unwavering support during these challenging times. I cannot wait to catch up with everyone at the usual "walker" spot during drop-off times.
Take care and stay safe.
It has been or at least feels like a very long stretch of distance learning, and I know Zoom fatigue is real for all of us - for everyone WFH, the children and the teachers.
I would like to put a call out for parents to help me with a montage that I am working on for the teachers. If you would like to help, please share a short video or an artwork of your child to show their teacher appreciation. You can drop the file in this folder under your child's class folder.
I thank you all again for your ongoing support and patience during these unprecedented times.
Over the past few months, the Education Bureau of the Hong Kong Government (EDB) has requested information on the number of staff and students that have received a COVID19 vaccination. ESF has already collected data relating to the number of teaching staff who have been vaccinated. ESF is now seeking your support to establish the vaccination status in relation to students attending ESF schools. The provision of this information is entirely voluntary. However, we believe that having details of the levels of student vaccination in our school communities will be of assistance when face-to-face learning resumes.
The ESF App now has a Student Vaccine Record function that parents can use to upload their child's/ children's vaccination information. We would encourage you to upload details of your child's/children's vaccination status through the ESF App. Any personal data will be held safely and securely and in line with ESF's personal data handling and data privacy policy.