Click to download the 2021-22 Hillside Calendar. You can also access the school calendar via the ESF App.
8 December: Parent Hack S5: Importance of Play (Register)
10 December: ESF Y1 Offer Deadline
15 December: Last day of collection for Christmas Appeal
16 December: Last Day of Term - Hillside Winter Picnic at Repulse Bay
3 January: First day of Term 2
27 January: “Tabby McTat!” Theatre Production at HKAPA
Dear Parents
It’s hard to believe that it’s December already! Firstly, thank you to those families who contributed to our Christmas Appeal already. It is easy to get caught up in “getting gifts” during the holiday season, yet we all know it can be so much more meaningful to focus on “giving gifts” - the gift of KINDNESS! Our children will learn first-hand that even a small gesture can have a positive impact. More importantly, the children will feel great knowing they are contributing to the happiness of others.
If you would like to know more about our Christmas Appeal Rebooked, please see the extract below or watch this short video of Stripey & Kuma visiting Rebooked.
Warm regards
Both the K1 and K2 children have been engaged in their respective Unit of Inquiry in the past few weeks, and the teachers have been updating the class blog fortnightly to share the recent class learning with you. Please click on the Class Blog tile on the ESF App to access your child’s class blog.
Our PYP Coordinator, Brenda, and our Chinese teacher, Yammi, will also guest blog every now and then to share other relevant information about the children’s learning. So please do visit the blogs regularly to keep up with the latest class happenings.
It has been a Hillside tradition to foster the spirit of giving every Christmas. Not only does this tradition create a connection with our learning community, but it also transfers our learning into an “action.”
Action is an integral part of the Primary Years Programme (PYP) and an opportunity for children to make a meaningful contribution to their community and also be change-makers.
We would like to take action and give back to our local community by supporting Rebooked, a non-profit social enterprise founded and managed by students! Their goal is to extend the shelf life of a book by providing a convenient and eco-friendly platform for books to be reused and enjoyed by other young readers. The books are also shared with NGOs and community partners as a way to support early literacy for underprivileged children.
Building on our sustainability principles, please donate slightly used pre-loved books to bring joy to a new reader. If you’re interested in purchasing, please head over to Rebooked. Our Christmas appeal will run until Wednesday 15 December. We encourage the children to personally place the books in our collection boxes under our Christmas tree at reception.
Parent Hacks Session 5: Importance of Play
When: Wednesday, 8 December, 1 pm
This session is a continuation of understanding our curriculum with our PYP Coordinator, Brenda Yuen. In the session, Brenda will cover:
What is play?
Types of Play
Developing approaches to learning through play
How to support my child in developing social communication skills, and play skills
Please CLICK HERE to register in advance.