Click to download the 2022-23 or the provisional 2023-24 Hillside Calendar. You can also access the school calendar via the ESF App.
30 March: Last school day of term
31 March: Staff Meeting Day (School Closed)
3-14 April: Spring Break (School Closed)
17 April: Term 3 Commences
18, 20 April: K2 Tai Tam Trip Rescheduled (Children only)
21, 24 April: Additional Vision Screening Days
25 April: Photo Day Rerun
3 May: K1 & K2 Faust Incursion
9 May: Parent Webinar - Why Sleep Matters
2 June: ESF-wide Transition Day
12-15 June: Save-the-date for K2 Celebration of Learning
Dear Hillside Families
Firstly, sorry again for any inconvenience caused by this unforeseen flooding situation. We really appreciate your cooperation and kind understanding.Wow……it has been a busy Term 2! It is always such a joy to see the children's growth in self-confidence during this term and then to see them flourish and become ready to move on in Term 3. Thank you to our committed community, from teachers, EAs, admin, parents and the children!! Our philosophy and commitment to engaging every child in a high-quality, play-based, inquiry-driven programme make all the difference.
We all know that playing and interacting with our children is very important and has many benefits; however, giving children the chance to discover and build their own knowledge is just as valuable. Play encourages a child to be imaginative and helps to increase self-confidence as the children have opportunities to try and figure out things independently. Here's a short article by the Lego Foundation on Play Unlocks Essential Skills – "Through play, children flex and find their way. Instead of noting down rigid facts and figures, they hone ways of thinking, creating, working together and testing ideas. All skills they'll need to thrive throughout their lives." Please click HERE for the full article.
The Lego Foundation's LearningThroughPlay website is filled with free resources and articles. For the upcoming term break, you might want to try these games you can play indoors or out – using everyday things you'll find at home - Let's Play!
With this said, we wish you and your family a joyful and safe Spring break! And we look forward to welcoming everyone back on Monday, 17 April.
Warm regards
After the term break, the K2 children will tune into their last Unit of Inquiry How We Express Ourselves. To encourage children to see how stories provoke thinking and expression of self, we’re inviting them to dress up as a character in a book of their choice. Inspiration for costumes can be drawn from a fiction or non-fiction book. Let your ideas run wild!
We have invited the children’s theatre company Faust to perform the classic story The Ugly Duckling and we will be watching the performance in the Bradbury School hall! This will be a great opportunity to provoke children’s thinking around how theatre and music are ways to express ideas and stories. This will surely inspire our young performers as they dive into inquiries within their last unit How We Express Ourselves.
The optometrist, Suzan Salnikow, has confirmed additional visits to Hillside on Friday, 21 April (AM & PM) and Monday, 24 April (PM). She will continue with the K2 children and see any children who were absent.
If you are withdrawing your K1 child at the end of this academic year, we would appreciate it if you could let us know as soon as possible to assist us with our planning. In addition, please complete and submit the Student Withdrawal Form via the ESF App on or before 1 June*. Otherwise, we will assume that your child is returning for K2.
*Your debenture on account will not be redeemed without the one-month advance notice of withdrawal.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our admissions team by phone or by email for assistance.
K2 children graduating by the end of June are not required to submit a withdrawal form.
The school photo sessions went well. However, we did have a few children who were not ready or a bit shy on the day, so we've invited Peter Inglis to return on Tuesday, 25 April, for a rerun day.
Any child who was away or not ready last week will have another opportunity to have their school portrait retaken.
Feel free to reach out to us on if you have any questions.