Please click to download the 2024/25 Hillside Calendar. You can also access the school calendar via the ESF App.
March (Fridays): K2 Chinese PTCs (K1s will take place in May)
5,6,11 March: Vision Screening
7 March: K1 & K2 Jockey Club Oral Health Incursion
10, 13 March: K1 Excursion to Pamela Peck Discovery Space (Parents Required, Separate App Message)
20 March: Parent Webinar - How Do Children Make Friends?
Dear Hillside Families,
March is already upon us, and time seems to be flying by at lightning speed! The classrooms are buzzing with energy, and with numerous exciting events and activities happening, it's no wonder the days are passing so quickly.
This month, we are hosting different Learning Walks, where our ESF colleagues will visit Hillside to provide an external perspective on various aspects of our provision. These visits are invaluable as they help us reflect on our school enhancement plans, teacher goals, and considerations for professional development.
Last week, we welcomed the Bradbury team and the ESF Learning and Teaching Advisor for an Impact Walk. Their insights focused on our current enhancement initiative, which centres around differentiated instruction and personalisation in the classroom.
I'm excited to share that the feedback was positive, and they praised our children for their high level of student agency and confidence. For those interested, the feedback discussion session transcript has been transformed into a Podcast! If you'd like to listen to a snippet of the Podcast, you can find it [here].
Thank you for your continued support and engagement with our community.
Warm regards
We are thrilled to announce that we will be introducing our "Parent Hack" series on our social media platform. Each month will focus on a different aspect of early childhood development, starting with "Friendship 101: A Developmental Journey." This series will explore the important developmental journey of friendships in early childhood, highlighting how play contributes to building social skills.
We encourage you to follow us on our social media channels to stay updated and engage with this helpful content. Your involvement will help reinforce these concepts at home, creating a supportive environment for your child's social growth. Keep an eye out for our upcoming posts, and thank you for being an active part of our community! [IG: @esf.hillside]
Parent Webinar - How Do Children Make Friends?
Thurs Mar 20, 2025 1pm
We invite parents and caregivers to attend this upcoming webinar led by our PYP Coordinator, Brenda Yuen. In this session, we will dig into the research and gain a better understanding of how children develop friendships. We aim to:
Explore the definition of friendship for young children
Understand why playdates are critical for friendships
How parents can help their child with social skills and developing friendships
There will be time for Q&A. We look forward to seeing you at the webinar.
Jockey Club Oral Health Project is visiting Hillside on Friday, 7 March, to educate the K1s & K2s on proper oral hygiene through a diversified teaching approach, using a mix of workshops, games, and interactive activities. We look forward to this fun opportunity for children to develop their self-management skills!
Please take this opportunity to talk about oral heath with your children :)
The K1 children will be visiting the Pamela Peck Discovery Space on an educational excursion.
10 Mar (Monday) - Dolphin & Frog class
13 Mar (Thursday) - Monkey & Panda class
We kindly request that one parent or caregiver accompany each child.
The trip is designed to complement their next unit of inquiry, "How The World Works." You will receive a separate app message with further details that include a consent form to attend the excursion.
Please complete the trip eNotice to confirm your attendance. You can access the Gateway eNotice via the ESF App and see a "new eNotice to fill in now."
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Pre-loved Uniform Swap
Please contact for any general enquiries.